At CryptoMKT, we understand the importance of having deposits credited quickly and efficiently. Here is information about the crediting time for bank transfers in Chile:
Crediting Process: To have a deposit credited, you first need to make a transfer from your bank account and then notify the deposit from your CryptoMKT account.
Crediting Timelines: The crediting process can vary, but generally, deposits are validated within 6 business hours (Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM) up to a maximum of 24 business hours. However, it’s important to note that in most cases, deposits are processed much faster, usually within approximately 1 business hour.
Before making your transfer, please be aware of the following restrictions:
Cash deposits are only accepted once.
Transfers where the account holder does not match the registered user at CryptoMKT will be returned (this includes co-holders or third parties).
If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact us at or through our chat.
At CryptoMKT, we work to make your transactions as fast and secure as possible.