With the SafetyPay button in your Chilean Peso (CLP) wallet, you can credit your transactions instantly and securely.
To load your wallet with a fee ranging from 2.5% to 3%, log into your CLP wallet, select the “Deposit” option, and then click the blue “Deposit” button in SafetyPay.
By following these simple steps, you will be able to complete your transaction quickly and efficiently.
Next, you must enter the value you want to deposit into your CryptoMarket account (in the following example a load of 10,000 CLP is simulated) and click on the blue “Load balance” button:
Then, you will be redirected to make the corresponding payment, for which you must press the “Go to pay” button:
Next, you must select one of the options that appear available (at the top of the screen) to make your deposit:
For example, when you select the first option (Caja Vecina), you will see all the information necessary to be able to go to an ATM and make the corresponding payment:
Once you have made the payment, you will be able to have the balance in your CryptoMKT wallet.
It's that easy!
We wish you success in all your operations!
If you have any questions regarding this process or any other issue, do not hesitate to contact our support team via email soporte@cryptomkt.com.
Also, if you want to explore more about the purchasing functionalities, simply click on “SIMPLE” and you will be redirected to the corresponding tutorial.