How to make a PIX deposit into your CryptoMKT account

How to make a PIX deposit into your CryptoMKT account

At CryptoMKT you can easily deposit money into your account using PIX by following the steps below:

Register your PIX key In the Configuration section, register your PIX key. Then select the Bank details section and click Add account. 
Here you must select Brazil, enter your bank, choose the type of PIX account, select the type of PIX key and finally enter your Key. Click Add.

You are now ready to make a deposit via PIX.

In your wallet, select Reais, then select the Deposit option and click Transfer in the PIX Transfer option.

A window will open with CryptoMKT's PIX key information so you can make the PIX to our account.

In your bank, make the PIX for the desired amount and save the receipt to send to us.

Confirm deposit: enter the amount you deposited, select the source PIX key used for the deposit and upload the transfer receipt. Then select the deposit declaration box and click on the Add balance button.

That's it! The deposit will be processed and the amount will be credited to your CryptoMKT account.

If you have any questions, please send an email to or talk to Iris in our chat!

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