Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) on CryptoMKT

Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) on CryptoMKT

Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) are individuals who hold or have held relevant positions in the government or political sphere, as well as certain functions in international organizations. At CryptoMKT, we take security and the prevention of illicit activities very seriously, which is why we have specific measures to deal with PEP and ensure the integrity of our operations.

Who are considered PEP?

a) Foreign public officials: It includes people who have held positions up to two years before the operation, such as:

  • Heads of state and government, governors, mayors, ministers, secretaries and undersecretaries of state.

  • Members of Parliament or Legislative Branch.

  • Judges and senior members of courts and other judicial and administrative bodies.

  • Ambassadors and consuls.

  • High-ranking officers of the armed forces and public security.

  • Members of management and control bodies of state-owned companies.

  • Directors and authorities of central banks and other state regulatory and supervisory bodies.

b) Relatives and close friends:

  • Spouses, legally recognized cohabitants, ascending or descending family members up to the first degree of consanguinity and close relatives.

c) National public officials:

  • It includes the president, vice president, senators, deputies, magistrates of the judiciary, ombudsmen, ministers, secretaries, undersecretaries of the National Executive Branch, among others.

d) Provincial, municipal and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires public officials:

  • It includes governors, mayors, ministers, legislators, authorities of control organizations and autonomous entities, among others.

and) Political party authorities:

  • Authorities and representatives at the national, provincial and Autonomous City of Buenos Aires levels.

f) Authorities of union and business organizations:

  • Authorities and legal representatives of chambers, associations and other forms of corporate grouping.

g) Social works authorities:

  • Authorities and legal representatives of the social works contemplated in Law No. 23,660.

h) Officials of international organizations:

  • People with senior functions in an international organization, members of senior management, directors, deputy directors and members of the Board.

i) Relatives of the people mentioned above:

  • Spouses, legally recognized cohabitants and relatives in ascending or descending line up to the first degree of consanguinity.

Our Commitment to Safety

To guarantee security and transparency in all operations carried out at CryptoMKT, we carry out a rigorous process of identifying and verifying clients, especially those classified as PEP. This measure is essential to comply with regulations and avoid any attempt at illegal activity.

Our commitment to safety is absolute. We value the trust our customers place in us and are committed to maintaining the highest integrity in all of our operations.

Do you need more information?

If you have any questions or need more information on this topic, our online support team will be happy to help you at any time.

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