Recommendations for secure use of your credentials

Recommendations for secure use of your credentials

In the Tech World, No Technology Can Guarantee 100% Security

However, there are best practices that can enhance the security of your account, making it harder for cyberattacks and scams to succeed.

Create Strong and Unique Passwords:

  • Use combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • It is recommended that passwords be at least 10 characters long.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on all systems and websites you use whenever possible, including your Facebook, email, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
  • Do not share your passwords. They are personal and non-transferable.

Change Your Passwords Periodically:

  • It is recommended to do so every 1 to 3 months, especially on systems or devices used by multiple people.

Act Quickly If You Suspect a Security Breach:

  • If you think your password has been compromised, change it immediately.
  • Use sites with secure protocols (https) and log out after using them, especially those that require credentials.

Always Verify the Website Domain:

  • Be cautious of unusual domains or ones that differ from the official domain.

Example of an official domain: 

Example of a fake domain: 

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